Tips On Keeping Kids Active Over Christmas

Christmas is a time for relaxing, resting and indulging. However, it is also important to keep your kids active, whether it is the festive period or not, to make sure they stay as healthy as possible when there are a lot of sugary treats around.

Here are some tips on how to get your children moving over Christmas.


– Boxing Day walk

According to recent data from the national child measurement programme, the problem of childhood obesity is getting worse, with severe obesity among year six children increasing by over a third since 2006.

Therefore, as they are likely to be tucking into more chocolates and cakes than usual, it is a good idea to keep their activity levels up to reduce the chance of weight gain.

A great way to do is to go on a Boxing Day walk. By getting the whole family involved, children are more likely to participate, and it is good for keeping everyone healthy over Christmas. What’s more, you can get some much-needed fresh air and a chance to catch up with loved ones away from distractions at home.


– Get them a fitness tracker

If you have yet to finish Christmas shopping, consider getting your kids a fitness tracker. This will encourage them to meet their step target every day – particularly over Christmas when they are unlikely to be taking as many steps as usual.


– Enrol them in a team

Get them involved in team sports, such as girls’ netball classes, which has many benefits, including keeping them active, boosting comradeship, and encouraging them to make friends.