SPEED & AGILITY DRILLS – Speed up your court movement at home

Speed, Movement and Court Coverage are so important in netball- no matter which position you play.  Whilst you have some time away from the court – it is time well spent if you work on your footwork patterns, body control and speed.

Here are some drills which will speed up your change of direction.  This is great for both attacking the ball and also keeping up with (and beating your opposition) when you are defending.

Whilst you are completing these drills, it is really important to initially focus on the technique before you try and go for speed.  Think about which foot you are changing direction which, which foot you are pushing off on for increased acceleration, what angle our body is and also are we still able to see the ball/player – keep those eyes up!

You can subscribe to our Youtube Channel for lots of skills and drills to try at home and make sure you share your videos with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok.